Walking Along the Circle

Forgive me if my words are a bit jumbled as I’m currently amped on coffee and procrastinating packing.

These past couple months I’ve had so much time to think about how exciting studying abroad will be in Copenhagen from the incredible food, architecture, and culture it has to offer. I honestly hadn’t really given the not-so-exciting facets much thought until recently.

Throughout the Spring semester (and the summer), my study abroad advisor constantly reminded me to prepare my finances, think about whether or not I need to rent a bike, and consider whether or not I need to use a Danish shone plan. Despite all these reminders, I still found myself shocked by the realization that these were very real concerns I should be thinking about.

This sudden realization sent me down a spiral of mixed emotions of happiness, sadness, excitement, and worry, much like freshman year of college all over again. So immediately, I scrambled. Jumping back and forth between being incredibly excited and thinking I had made a huge mistake studying abroad.

But then I remembered something my study abroad advisor said (you may have heard something similar), “Imagine your comfort zone as a giant circle. When you’re inside the circle, you don’t feel challenged and grow very little. When you’re far outside the circle, you feel overwhelmed and also grow very little. But when you walk along the circle of your comfort zone, that’s where you’ll thrive.”

With this in mind, I realized that all these mixed emotions are completely normally to feel in the weeks before leaving for Copenhagen. I just need to remember that I’ll always have people to help me walk along the circle.

Well, I suppose I should probably start packing now. Tune in next week for my thoughts after arriving in Copenhagen! (what?? starting to feel real)

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